Xcruiser XDSR 4K HDR Receivers Recovery Files and Procedure
How to Recover:
Mostly Android Receivers hang up while running applications or hang on the Boot Screen during the Booting process when you start the receiver. So, in this condition, the recovery process is applied to get the receiver in normal condition.
There are two different processes for Xcruiser 4K receivers that are given below:
- This process will work for that receiver in which Software version 1.6.0 or later is installed. Now Unplug the switch of a receiver and while again connecting the switch press red key from the remote 15 times. while LED is on the receiver will blink red and green like flashing mode then press 1 number key from the remote. this process will make the receiver to reboot in factory default mode.
- Recovery files are given below. Copy the first method recovery file to the USB disk. power off the receiver. plug the USB disk into the receiver. While again connecting the switch press the CH Up key from the remote 20 times, the receiver will start installing software from the USB disk and through this process, the receiver will be erased completely and boot with the factory default setting. If this process does not work then copy the 2nd method file into a USB disk and again repeat the said process.
For Flash Dump Files of China Receivers, Visit Here.
Xcruiser 4k models for free download:
- Xcruiser XDSR585HDR
- Xcruiser XDSR685HDR-AVANT
- Xcruiser XDSR515HDR
For video tutorials, visit “Kazmi Elecom” on my YouTube channel.
Good Job,all my hunts & searches end here,Thanks a lot, Hats off to u…
Subscribed u r youtube channel also for future updates…
My xcruiser 515 4 k is dead mode.no any light blinking how to resolve.ply reply.Thanks
check power supply
hello sir…my new mediastar z1 has been on boot and intiallizing mode and then restart…how can i slove it.
software load karen
USB se software load karen
Hi bro I have a receiver named HQ sat v1-2013 just like cruiser 4k same back side and also same board I have seen in your YouTube videos but there is problem of signals…channels not search…one time chanells searched but after that not searching pls tell me solution…plz send me what’s app number I will send you pics of receiver
tuner fault may be
Sir xcruser 685 me latest upgrade software kya ab us me cline thk se work ni krti sub plugin KR chuka koi hal btao plz
downgrade kar len
Sir send openbox AS4K CI pro recovery file sw
dear facing some upload issue. i will share soon
xcruiser 585 not bootable try with usb recovery, but no luck. its come logo circle then restart
try with remote recovery press by red button firmware not process.
there any offline firmware or upgrade by pc?
it will be recovered with USB
what is the reason??? get idea from youtube videos
Hi sir.My 685 is not updating software 1.7.0
Not enough space error.
But memory is free
reset to factory default then try again
xcruiser 585 & 685 boot issue, booting and restart when popup xcruiser logo.
try to recover with usb it doesn’t support with new firmwae version 1.7.0
kindly request for any solution.
watch the video tutorial and try to recover but first verify that there is no hardware issue
can you send me recovery file or flash file xcruiser715?
search google
Hello Dear Sir,
Could you please explain how to add an epg url to the Xcruiser inbuilt IPTV player?
It worked properly with other iptv android apk EX: Tivimate, MYTVOnline.
EPG Only works with satellite channels; I tried a variety of methods to obtain epg.
edit m3u play list EX: #EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID=”SRF1.ch” tvg-name=”SRF 1 HD” tvg-logo
Please, waiting for a quick respond.
No idea
685hdr not receiving signal plz can you help to solves the issue ?
check tuner section
Hello, I have a 585 X Cruiser receiver. There is a boot loop problem. I could not recover with usb with all three available methods. I think the only remaining way is the emmc program. If you know the isp pins, let me know so that I can copy and burn it from a healthy device. Thankful
NA. Try with recovery files
I have xcruiser 585 , i have no out put in HDMI but TV out is working.In advance option andriod setting Mode of STD , HLG10 AND AUTO NOT WORKING.
Actually i have no out put in HDMI and i did reset factory and but my problem not solving.
maybe a hardware fault. try to reset from setting
sir xcruiser 685 hd ko downgrade kaisay karain c line nahi chalti upgrade firmware may
jse upgrade kia hy wese he old software try karen
my 585 was reboot when “st1” state shows on panel continuously after doing your instructions.
how can i solve this ??(I try many diffrent version of f.w’s but does not work)
watch youtube tutorials or search google