TP.VST59S.PB712 is a universal LCD/LED Boards that are designed in three types according to its electrical specifications. TP VST59S PB712 also has a wifi small board interface. TP_VST59S_PB712 according to color specifications are dived into electrical specifications like 94v for the yellow transformer and 130v for a blue transformer. It supports 26 to 55-inch screens mostly for smaller screens it has 30v t0 44v 32w.
General Specifications:
Brand/Mark: China Universal OEM
Model: TP.VST59S.PB712
Main Chip: TSUMV59
Product: LED TV
Input Voltage: 220V AC
MAX Backlight Watt: 45W
Backlight voltage: 30-44V 32W
44V712: 65V
Yellow Transformer: 94V
Blue Transformer: 130V
Resolution: up to 1920×1080
WIFI Interface: Yes
Service Menu:
Menu 1147
USB Upgrade:
- Get the USB Empty or Format the U Disk into a FAT32 file system.
- Copy the required software/firmware bin file into USB Disk
- Insert the USB disk into USB port of mainboard
- Now Turn on the Power Supply the standby light will flash on/off. wait for the led light to stop. Done
Note: The following firmware is a dump backup. Kazmi Elecom Team is not responsible for any type of damage/loss as a result of uploading/downloading the firmware. If you are new and do not have enough knowledge of loading or installing software/firmware or dump files then read here first.
How to Download:
Download the following firmware and then extract you will get the folder. Now load the file by a programmer. For More Detail about the download, process watch the video Click Here
Here are below some TP.VST59S.PB712 firmware for free download:
hi sir,
apke side se Panasonic 32″ LED ke Display Drivers Download nahi HO Rahe Hai
Board Model No:TP.VST59S.PB712
pls help me.
website k homepage pe video hy usme tariqa bataya hua hy woh dekh len
tp.vst59s.pb712 download nahe horaha AAp ye watsp krden ge mehrbane ho gi 0312 8370804 pe
watch the video on the homepage of this website how to download process
Hi sir,
The Monitor’s model no is TH-32C460DX the circuit diagram I need it.
Not available
No file is accessible
all links working from D.Link1
Hi sir, after replacing the panel, the image got reversed for TP.VST59S.PB712. I have tried to install the mirror software provided on this site but no luck. please help me with the solution. Thanks in advance.
try different software otherwise try from t-con
Need softwer
Not android
available in toshiba only
mention model number
I have a reconnect led tv. After inserting the service code 1147 I can’t sea the panel setting option, cont repair the image mirroring etc.
change software