TP.MS338.PB801 Software Free Download

TP.MS338.PB801 Smart Board

TP.MS338.PB801 is a universal smart integrated board with an Android wifi network function. TP MS338 PB801 is a three-in-one network Driver Wi-Fi board that can support up to 32 to 48-inch screens. TP_MS338_PB801 can be equipped with various screens. TP.MS338 PB801 Smart Board has multiple ports A/V, USB interface Ports, and many HDMI ports as well in addition to VGA, Scart, and Earphones. TP.MS338-PB801 has a LAN/RJ45 Connector interface port also for the wired internet network.

TP_MS338_PB801 is a Combo Network Triple play board that has a Digital TV tuner built-in in it. The Graphics and Sound quality of the TP.MS338-PB801 android board are very good and the Response rate is very efficient.  TP.MS338.PB801 firmware is available for technician support.



General Specifications:

Brand/Mark: FHD Smart DVB-T2 LED TV Main Board

Main Borad Model: TP.MS338.PB801

Main Chipset: DTMB: MSD6A338ST-WL OR MSD6A338ST-003J

OS: Android 4.4

CPU: A7*2

CPU Frequency: 1GHz

GPU: Mali400*2

GPU Frequency: 550MHz

Ram: 512 Mb & 1 Gb

Rom: 4/8 Gb eMMC

Backlight: 30v to 160v 45w

Audio Output: 2x8w

Resolution: upto 1920×1080 (32” to 46″)

Service Code: Menu+1147

Note: The following firmware is USB bootable. Kazmi Elecom Team is not responsible for any type of damage/loss as a result of uploading/downloading the firmware. First, check and verify the main board then install software. If you are new and do not have enough knowledge of loading/installing software/firmware or dump files, or facing any issues during firmware installation then visit and read here first.

How to Download:

Download all parts of the following given firmware and then extract any one of them you will get the folder. Now copy the files to USB. For more Details about the download process watch the video Click Here

How to Install:

  • Copy the .bin file into the USB disk
  • Connect the U-Disk to TV
  • Switch on the TV
  • Standby lights start flashing. when the light flashing speed increases it means it is complete.
  • Switch OFF, Remove the Disk, and Switch ON again. Done

 TP.MS338.PB801 firmware for free download:


For video tutorials, visit “Kazmi Elecom” my YouTube channel.





  1. Avatar Of Khursheed

    Nice . Thank you

  2. Avatar Of Muna Dash

    sir tp.ms338.pb801 software sabhi part downloard nehin horahay please link batayen

  3. Avatar Of M. Ramzan

    sir tp.ms338.pb801 software sabhi part downloard nehin horahay please link batayen

  4. Avatar Of M. Ramzan

    Thank u sir u reply me

    • Avatar Of Naidy

      Wisdom share smart 32 inc maine reset kar diya but bad me jaise ho tv on hua mirror tha lekin maine usko sahi kiya bad pura dispaly black ho gaya kuch bi nahi show kar raha hai maine aap ka vidoes dekha uske pata chala ke uska firmware datete ho gaya sir plz help krdo uske firmware kaha milega batao

  5. Avatar Of Rizwan

    Sir, mere pas smart cloud share tv smart tv hai, uska mjy softawre chahiye Elekta brand hai, on ho kar after 2 mins off ho jata hai, firmware problem hia, mjy software chahiye jo usb k through clean factory reset kar de, thankyou… waiting for your reply

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      Board konsa hy usme. Electa ka konsa model hy kitne incha ka hy? is k board aur model number ki clear pics email karen

  6. Avatar Of Jamshed

    Sir their is nothing software rar file i was try both part 1 and part 2. After extraction their is no software sir,kindly help me

  7. Avatar Of Ghulammuhammad


  8. Avatar Of Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui
    Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui

    Assalamualekum sir
    I imported 20 cards for my shop T.P MS 358.PB818 they send me the firmware but when i tried to download the file expired. it will be an bonour if u help me

  9. Avatar Of Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui
    Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui

    and 1366×768 ka part 4 nai hai link me sir

  10. Avatar Of Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui
    Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui

    Sir kindly upload firmware of TP.MS358.PB801 TP.MS358.PB818 and TP.MS358.PC821

  11. Avatar Of Ashish

    I want to know about firmware upgrade to 5.5 Android for TP MS338 PB801
    40 INCH

  12. Avatar Of M. Ramzan

    salam sir kasa ha ap sir plz help me tp.ms338.pb818 firmware 1366 plz sund me im wait 4 reply

  13. Avatar Of Muhammad Imran
    muhammad imran

    Part4 not fornd

  14. Avatar Of Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui
    Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui

    sir kindly upload firmware of tp.ms358.pb801 , tp.ms358.pb818 and tp.ms358.pc821

  15. Avatar Of Pravin

    Hi kazmielecom,

    I needed firmware for TP.MS338.PB802 board.

    Its specs are:
    Resolution: FullHD – 1920×1080
    RAM: 1GB
    Internal SD: 8GB
    CPU: Dual Core 1.4 Ghz (ARMv7 Processor rev5 (v7l))
    Chipset: messi

    Please let me know if you need more details.

  16. Avatar Of Oday

    nis thank you

  17. Avatar Of Abdulwahab

    I am download the Tp. Ms335.pb801 but I am Right click on one part for all arranged the shape of one file but there are no arrange one file the are coming the file massage this file no archive

  18. Avatar Of Uzair Sid

    sir will u plz upload the firmware of tp.ms358.pb818 tp.ms358.pb801 and tp.ms358.pc821 plzz sir its a request

  19. Avatar Of Emilio

    buenos dia hermano necesito ayuda se me quedo en verde despue que intale yego al 100 i se puso en verde descargue los 8 archivo los desconprimi y aparesieron 2 carpeta despues las copie a la memoria 3 en una i 6 en otra despues los intale quedo en berde porfa ayuda

  20. Avatar Of Emilio

    los intale y la pantaya se quedo en berde ayuda porfabor

  21. Avatar Of Emilio

    al encenderla se queda en verde la tele

    • Avatar Of Michel

      Hola tengo un televisor westinghouse W32A17N-SM, necesito su software o actualización, su placa es TP.MS338.PB801 y el monitor HV320WHB-N01 D00 es 1366×768 he descargado algunos y no me sirven, me le cambia el color o ponen la imagen de cabeza o los colores salen cromados, si me puede ayudar se lo agradezco

  22. Avatar Of Johnatan Polanco
    johnatan Polanco

    Hi Kazmi Elecom cual es el pasword para poder abrir los documentos comprimidos

  23. Avatar Of Tulsinandan

    Sir Mera board no -TP.MS338PB818 hai iska software milega . please link bhejiye.

  24. Avatar Of Amir

    after update frimware ,,the tv stop on black screen

  25. Avatar Of Jefferson

    hi sir, nice firmware, i tried to use it but it does not worked for me, what could be the problem? is it the resolution? my TV is ELEKTA,

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      Dear Brand name is not important. Confirm the main board installed in it and check the panel resolution also

      • Avatar Of Jefferson

        tnx, actually i do have a 100% working firmware for ms338 pb801 board of my TV, the problem is that i lost its remote, thats why i tried your firmware which uses samsung remote, but no luck for me, it does not worked on my TV, i tried to reprogram it again using my firmware and it does not accept it anymore, i can send you my firmware, can you edit its remote function so that i can use samsung remote also?

      • Avatar Of Ravi


      • Avatar Of Pradeep Sharma
        Pradeep Sharma

        Hi sir
        Mere pass TP.MS338.PB801 8G1G WALA card hai maine unke apki website se download kia hua software TP.MS338.PB801_1366x768_8G_1G_REF40.part1
        Ye software dala tha to 90 % par hi ruk gya uske baad maine 1 ghante ka wait bhi kia complete nahi hua or fir dobara on kia to only acoustics likha hua ata hai or koi bhi display nahi ata pls given a solution

  26. Avatar Of Hemant

    Required software of tp.ms358.pb801 1920×1080

  27. Avatar Of Janak

    Thanks, sir,
    I dwnlded TP.MS338.PB801 for 1377×868… Its uploded to Tv but all menu are chinese and no remote working with it…

    I tried 1920 but no resolution support… Again uploaded 1377… But same no remote working… Even V59 remote… I m stuked… Whether its available for samsung remote plz help..

  28. Avatar Of Nizamudin Kumbhar
    Nizamudin Kumbhar

    sir mene ek q kiya tha uska reply nai aya urgent he mene non hd tv me file dala to vo ulti screen aa rhi he and chines me aa rha he wishdom likha nai aa rhe he

  29. Avatar Of Mohammad Bilal
    Mohammad Bilal

    sir meray pass samsung 46 smart golden boader wale led hai jis ka software ka naam allupgrade_msd338_4g_ref54.bin hai mujay is led ka compelete software chaiye hai

  30. Avatar Of Mitchel Taylor
    mitchel taylor

    how to tell if my tp.ms338.pb801 board is 512mb or 1gb ram , 4gb or 8gb of rom?

  31. Avatar Of Bikas

    I have 358pb801 board with 1gb and 8gb rom please upload the firmware and how to install using pen drive and can v install tp.ms338 firmware because suddenly my tv turned off and android phones like recovery mode was opened last night and it says that install cvte338 firmware

  32. Avatar Of Sajid

    how to dowlaod it

  33. Avatar Of Rajakumar

    after software update , power led blinks red and green & blank display kindly suggest

  34. Avatar Of Victor

    Good Day. Thanks for the firmware TP.MS338.PB801_1920x1080_SAMSUNG REMOTE. Everything works except T2, the TV accepts only analog programs. I live in Ukraine. Help set up. Thank.

  35. Avatar Of Tayyab Mughal

    assalam o Alaikum sir download to kar liya ha ye software but installation ki samaj nai aai 3 parts hyn Samsung remote 1080p k aur 3no me separately bin files hyn kindly guide

  36. Avatar Of Naeem

    hi Kazmi
    I needed firmware for BD_TP_MS338_PB801_A10
    by mistake old firware lost.
    changhong Ruba
    Resolution : 1920×1080
    PanelInfo : Fullhd_CM0216_H1L01
    Size : 40″
    RAM : 1Gb
    Internal : 4Gb
    SW Upgrade Name : allupgrade_msd338_4g_ref48.bin

  37. Avatar Of Aggelos

    the 5th file of 8G_1G ref35 is missing. Can you please post it?

  38. Avatar Of Khalid

    Asalam 0 alikum kazmi bahi

    tp.ms338.pb801 1366×768 ye file winrr se extract nhi ho rhe voleum ka eeror a rha hy plz help

  39. Avatar Of Svr

    hi sir,
    pls share 1366×768 samsung ir files

  40. Avatar Of Amarpreet Singh
    Amarpreet Singh

    samsung remote 1366×768 part 5 link not working please update

  41. Avatar Of Daniel

    Hi Bro,

    I had Purchased 43inch LED Smart Tv 5 months before and Suddenly stop and Restarting by itself with showing msg Wiping cache Partition…… then it will go off.

    The Board Specification is “TP MS358 PB801”

    Please can you help me? I didn’t find the software anywhere.

    Thank you

  42. Avatar Of Prasad

    I have NIKAI NTV4000SLED7 model smart TV. The picture is freezing after display of logo Wisdom Share Cloud TV. The resolution is 1366X&768 Board is TP.MS338PB801 Can you suggest the software to be installed

  43. Avatar Of Acmal

    здравствуйте Кazmi уменя вырубился свет когда прошивка с флешки дошла до 100 процентов теперь не хочет телек грузиться с флешки что делать посоветуйте телевизор JAMBO JB-4358 МОЖЕТ У ВАС ЕСТЬ ВОСТАНОВИТЕЛЬНАЯ ПРОШИВКА

  44. Avatar Of Shadi

    much thanks for ur help sir
    please , i try to download tp.ms338.pb801 1366×768 m90 china remote part1 but file not found on the download server , may check it please

    • Avatar Of Mike

      Please my wisdom share tv.the Google play store doesn’t work. I have tried to login many times with my correct email details ..I get error: “error communicating with server” what could be the solution ..without play store I can’t download software

  45. Avatar Of Shadi

    and please tp.m338.pb801 1366*768 m90 china remote part 3 doesn”t have good connection on download although it looks working but if u try to download it will not response so please u may update it .. sorry sir for much requests and thanks in advance

  46. Avatar Of Shadi

    sir , i appreciate ur help .. please give me working link to download tp.ms338.pb801 m90 china remote part1.. best wishes

  47. Avatar Of Shadi

    thank u once again for ur care and help , may allah bless u for this ..
    i tried some firmwares for Tp.ms338.PB801 with panel resolution of 1366 X 768 from above but still doesn”t work for my remote , i just realised my remote is v59 remote … may upload this firmware please

  48. Avatar Of Jhon

    hello i need software for smart tv rca model RC32A17N-SM card tp-ms338-pb801 can youhelp me please

  49. Avatar Of Jhon

    hello i need softwarefor smart tv RCA model RC32A17N-SM card tp.ms338.pb801 can you plese help me

  50. Avatar Of Aamir Shahzad
    Aamir Shahzad

    what is the price of this board TP.MS338..PB801 in Pakistan. I need one.

  51. Avatar Of Vincent Nyamanga

    Do you have a solution for TP.MS338.PB801 HDMI ports No Signal all the time?

  52. Avatar Of Kuldeep

    sir tp.ms338.pb801 ram 512 ram 1gb software ek h kya

  53. Avatar Of Kuldeep

    sir tp.ms338.pb801 ram512 ram 1gb ka software ek h kya

  54. Avatar Of Rashid Saifi


  55. Avatar Of Eliezer

    buenas noches señor necesito ayuda con el link de descarga del frimware y sofware de una led tv de 43 pulgadas RCA MODEL: RC40G16N-SM

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      Dear, you can choose from the given list. RCA brand may not be available or you should know the REF number

  56. Avatar Of Amar Nagi

    hi Sir,
    I’m Amar Nagi (9971231491)
    sir kal mainey apna tv ka back cover open kiya aur mainboard ki pic click ki mera board hai TP.MS338.PC822 8GB ROM_1GB RAM,But sir jab mai service menu me ja kar board check karta hu to software me TP.MS338.PB802 dikhata hai. aisa kyo aur kya aap mujhey bata skte hai ke mera panel HV490QUB-N8F hai jiski spec google me check karne par resulotion: 3840(3)X 2160 UHD dikhata hai par device info ki app install karne par 1280×720 dikhata hai aisa kyo?

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      app wrong show kar rahi hogi

      • Avatar Of Sohan Lal

        Good evening sir ji,
        mere pass 32 inch led hai jisme TP.MS.338.PB801 8GB board hai. usme chines remote hai. kya usme sony wala software lgane par remote sony ka sahi se kaam karega aur sony ka kaun sa remote kaam karege. please reply jrur kare sir ji.

        • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

          G dear software change karne se work kare ga but softwae len gay kahan se . behtar to yehi hy k isko chalne den disturb na karen warna dead bhe ho sakta hy. 4gb me software easily mil jata hy per 8gb me mere pas bhe nai hy. agar ap k pas 8gb wala hy to mere sath bhe share karen aur install kar len apne tv me no issue

  57. Avatar Of Ameen

    Hello my friend,
    how can I know any form these file is for my tv !! I try all this file but it doesn’t work
    My TV name osaka
    43 inch
    panel : tp.ms338.pb801
    I Think resolution is : 1920*1080

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      Dear don’t try to update it will be dead

      • Avatar Of Ameen

        Please see this video below this is my problem now, Please tell me what can I do ?? and how can I fix this tv ?


        • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

          I think you installed the wrong firmware. check the board first then search the confirm firmware then try to load

          • Avatar Of Ameen

            My TV is 43 inch and the board is : tp-ms338-pb80, firmware is Wisdom.
            Do you think I still can download any firmware on this tv ? because it cannot read the flash memory .. please your suggeste,,

          • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

            first, check the RAM/ROM size. if emmc flash is 8GB and we load 4Gb software then it will create trouble same as yours or maybe dead

          • Avatar Of Saud

            Sir same issue mere sath aa raha hay, is ka koi hal btayain, mene doosray firmware b krne ki try ki hay pr flash ko load hi nhi krti lcd, bs yehi shownic likha aa jata hay jb switch on krain, please koi hal btayain, mene whatsapp pe b msg kia hay pr aap ne abhi tk read nhi kia aaj doosra din hay

          • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

            usb disk change kar k check karen

        • Avatar Of Tsnmay

          Please provide software for Murphy Tv 40″ Model no. 66005.. Panel TP. MS338. PV801.

  58. Avatar Of Sajjad

    sir i have install ms338.pb801 m90 in ikon led 40 inch tv but remote in is not working

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      try M90 remote. or use universal remote

      • Avatar Of Naam

        BOARD TYPE – BD_TP_MS338_PB801
        OCS NUMBER – 288855
        SW MAIN VERSION – 20171103_150319
        SW SUB VERSION – 20171103_150319
        SW UPGRADE NAME – allupgrade_msd338_8G_1G_ref33.bin

        Mere TV factory menu me ye information dikha raha hai. TV varvon company ka hai.
        Mera tv kabhi kabhi logo pr atak jaata hai aur restart hota rehta hai, kabhi kabhi tv on hone me bahut time lagata hai. Setting me jaakr factory reset kiya pr koi fayda nahi hota. pls mujhe sahi file dijiye. maine upar dhundha par ref33 ka koi file nahi mila

        • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

          software karne se masla hal nai hoga. agar software ka issue hota to yeh logo pe stuck he rehta. last hal iska board change karna pare ga yeh kafi old version ka board hy

  59. Avatar Of Tapan Gupta

    kazmi ji
    Mera Wybor ka 40 inch smart tv hai jo on hote hi welcome screen aate hi off ho jaa raha tha. Motherboard TP.MS338.PB801 laga hua hai, Maine apke saare software se upgrade ki koshish kari par koi match nahi ho raha. please TP.MS338.PB801 40 inch smart tv (reference number 50 or 40) ka software upload kar dijiye, ya koi aur solution ho apke hisaab se to usko bhi bataiye. Ek technician ne mujhe ref 50 wala software diya tha usse upgrading software to 100% ho gaya par uske baad jab on kiya tab kewal loading data 1% likh kar aa raha hai aur aage nahi badh raha kaafi ghante wait karne ke baad bhi.
    please meri problem solve kar den

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      dear hy to software ka issue per i think k ap k wale board me ram/rom ka farq hy. to new board ka software mere pas nai hy

      • Avatar Of Tapan Gupta

        software mujhe mila hai kazmi ji ..usme 3 file hain allupgrade_msd338_8G_1G_ref50.bin
        isse upgrading 100% hua par uske baad ledtv on nahi hua ..dobara pendrive lagane par loading data 1% par hi ghanto atka rehta hai.

        maine kuch videos me dekha ki log is board me samsung, sony china ek hi board me baari baari daal dete hain bas baar baar remote doosra use karte hain…mai wo bhi karne ko taiyaar hun par sony, samsung china koi software accept hi nahi kar raha ..Please solution bataiye

      • Avatar Of Tapan Gupta

        aur mere led 8gb rom aur 1gb ram 1920×1080 wala hai, us combination ke jitne bhi software mile sab try kiya ..mai koi doosra samsung sony bhi daalne ko ready hun par accept nahi kar raha …aisa kyon ho raha hai??? board to bhot common wala hai

      • Avatar Of Tapan Gupta

        TV bhi lagbhag 2.5 years purana hai isliye latest software mujhe nahi lagta chahiye

  60. Avatar Of Boro

    Sir, EMMC pinout picture please.

  61. Avatar Of Zubair

    HI sir mery pass ikon IK40DFS LED set aaya hai
    softwere ka masla hai wisdom share pr ruka howa hai
    main ny soft download kr k usb sy try kiya hai but usb sy upgrade nai ho raha
    plese sir thora help kr dein

  62. Avatar Of Mjshaikh


    I have a Wansa Wisdom Share Smart Cloud LED (1920*1080) Model WLE43F7760S. The main board for Android is TP.MS338.PB801. This TV is made in china and remote is of Wansa brand so i am guessing it is also a made in china remote. I saw all your downloadable softwares but the one that seems fine to me was TP.MS338.PB801_1920x1080_Samsung_Tested.part 1 to 5. I have already downloaded this software and copied the way your video instructed. The problem that i am facing here is that when i connect this USB to my Wansa LED and turn it on through the power button on the remote, it does not take from the usb drive but instead goes to that wisdom share logo screen and after a minute or so the LED switches off again.

    Are there any buttons or specific steps that i need to do before it takes the software from the usb on Wans LED? Please help me out here.

    • Avatar Of Mjshaikh

      HI Mr. Kazmi,

      Good news is that i finally succeeded in updating the software that i mentioned above (TP.MS338.PB801_1920x1080_Samsung_Tested.part1 to 5) and it works as well but the way the display has come, is very bad and the remote is also not working for it now. so now leaving the above query, i want to know very eagerly that which software is the compatible one for my Wansa Wisdom share smart cloud TV Model WLE43F7760S. I know this is fixable but need to know the correct software so it works


      • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

        Dear very nice. your tv is now working. the picture can be set by mapping in service menu. and better to use a Samsung remote. I do not have wansa remote software

  63. Avatar Of Muqeet

    Hello Sir,

    I have installed the sony software from the above softwares listed. After installation, My TV is stuck on Shownic logo and turns off. How can i fix this. Please let me know in steps thanks.

  64. Avatar Of Beni

    Hello. Can you please upload the file for NIKAI TV? I have NTV 5000 SLED 3 smart tv model.

  65. Avatar Of Cesar

    Hola, Sr, tendra el Firmware del televisor RC40G16N-SM Placa: TP.MS338.PB801


  66. Avatar Of Emam

    hello mr kazmi
    ihave wansa 40″
    software name upgrademsd338_4g_ref49.bin
    whats the software can be used

  67. Avatar Of Emam

    tv model no:WLE40G7762SN 40″
    sw upgrade name in servies menu : allupgrade_msd338_4G_ref49.bin

    whats software can i used

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      you can try any software but the issue may be remote matching. first, rename the file as allupgrade_msd338_4G_sos.bin.
      I don’t have for REF49

  68. Avatar Of Arshad Ali

    sir i have 40 inch elekta bord number tp.ms338.pb801
    not sofwere in list and im install ikon sotwere but now softwere install but light is off
    plz help me how can i refresh and install by elekta softwere plz help

  69. Avatar Of

    You Led Tv Software Boss

  70. Avatar Of Md Khokon Ahmed

    MS338PB801 SOFTWARE 1366*768

  71. Avatar Of Md Khokon Ahmed

    HELO SR HELP ME MS338PB801 SOFTWARE 1366*768

  72. Avatar Of Junaid Masood
    Junaid Masood

    Salam Sir first of all for thanks for providing good platform for discussion along with suggestions and solutions which helps users alot.
    yesterday i downloaded TP.MS338.PB 801_1920x1080_Samsung_Tested.Part1 to Part 5 and used in my 55 inch 4K Resolution China LED having wisdom share. i used these downloaded parts now Led is working well but the resolution is little bit low as compare to old software kindly suggest me software according to my LED requirement i will wait for your guidance thanks

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      w.salam dear I think you talking about the picture quality. it may not due to software. change picture setting on user mode as you desire.

      Forum page is also available on the website. you can join and share your issue with pictures as well

  73. Avatar Of Rajkumar

    tp.ms338.pb801 part three not downloaded
    please find solution if paid provide me software plaese provide me

    • Avatar Of

      wisdome share logo stuck please provide me better solution

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      all free of cost. links working watch video on the homepage of this website how to download

    • Avatar Of Zafar

      hi sir plz mujhe ye bta da k mera wisdom china ka 32 ” ka smart tv ha wifi wala os ka nechay wali side sa thori se light kam ho gai ha ab mujay btay k oss ka panel ka masla ha ya software ka plz mujay reply kar dejiye ga thankyou

      • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

        backlight faulty ho gyi hy. kuch din tak poori off ho jye gi phir ap sari lights new dalwa len

  74. Avatar Of Rahul Solanki


  75. Avatar Of Dhiraj Shrestha
    Dhiraj Shrestha

    sir NIKAI tv ka MS338.PB801 board hai kaun sa software downoad karu

  76. Avatar Of Fadi

    sir , I have PILOT LED TV ,,,, I try what r u attached on vidio and I install 12 ( 5 part ) no luck

    can u help me ? 🙁

  77. Avatar Of Asith Chathuranga

    Have a Nikai tv frmware this board ?

  78. Avatar Of Mohamed Sief

    think you

  79. Avatar Of Fahad

    hi kazmi
    mera tv chalte chalte hang hoa or us k bad ab on he nhe hor hai even k red led bhi nhe on ho rahe hai magr usb mouse laga hoa tha uski light on ho rahe hai to ab kia karna chahye or agr board change krna ho ga to khidr se buy karo

  80. Avatar Of Abdila

    Salam…i uploaded samsung firmware into ikon tv 40dfs. Now my tv don’t function anymore…is there any solution to recover?

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      w.slaam, you should always first check the board number and RAM/ROM then load the correct software

  81. Avatar Of Sorower Sajib
    Sorower sajib

    I have a wisedom Share Smart 32″ TV .i have done recovery reset ,after this my display freeze on android is upgrading…after few min power is off..

  82. Avatar Of Zeeshan

    hi sir
    6 nuber file download ki ikon ki par wo extract nei hoti error ajata hai

  83. Avatar Of Javed


    dear ikon E40DFS k 5 parts hain…sab download karnay hain???

    zruri hai?

  84. Avatar Of Md Mojammel

    Sir mere pass tp.ms338pb802 smart board hai app ke website se 1920/1080 resulation soft ware downlode karke mobile se 7zip file & bin file banake usb se upgread nahi ho raha he. Plz kohi tricks batayen.

  85. Avatar Of Ever

    Does any of the softwares work for a RCA smart TV? Being more specific for a the model RC40G16N-SM, with board TP. MS338. PB801?

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      check ROM/RAM and panel resolution then try any other it will work but remote will be change

      • Avatar Of

        OK, thx. I appreciate, sir. But I’m unable to download. I get a message saying that “the time to get the sever is run out in any option I try.

  86. Avatar Of

    sir ji mujhe MS.338.PB752 bord ka software chahiye

  87. Avatar Of

    Sir I have ikon ik-e40dfs, I have downloaded the software for it, but I dont know how to start the update. I have tried plugging first the usb, then plugging the TV into standby mode, pressing power button, and pressing volumes up and down, but nothing works. Please help. Thank you!

  88. Avatar Of Henry

    sir ikon Software TP.MS338.PB801 Model;IK-40PFS

  89. Avatar Of Nisal

    What is the best software out of above for 32inch Nikai 1366*768 TV?

    • Avatar Of Nisal

      I watched your video and downloaded no. 37 software. Uploaded it to the USB and plugged it into the TV. Even though, after plugging the tv to the power, it doesnt start the set-up. only the NIKAI logo and wisdomshare logos are appearing same as previous. Help me with this. Let me know the correct software to download.

  90. Avatar Of Dhiraj Dhenge

    Sir ye kaise pahchane ki ms. Tp 338.pb801ye bord 1gb Ka hai ya512 Ka hai 4gb 8gb please help me sir

  91. Avatar Of

    Sir 2mosfet wala pfc sarkit par video banao sir please my humble request

  92. Avatar Of Dhiraj Dhenge
    Dhiraj dhenge

    RT 809f ya 809h

  93. Avatar Of Amer

    Hello sir. I downloaded number 12.
    It solved the problem and the screen is not stuck anymore. However the new problem that i face now is that : the remote doesnot work and the picture is upside down
    What do you recommend i should do
    The tv is innova 40 inch
    Res 1920 – 1080

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      Dear the best solution for you is to use universal remote and you can set picture from service menu

  94. Avatar Of Ravi Kanr

    sirmari led 32 inch h ms338.pb801 softwar keya to display ulti or 4parts me ho gai h g kya karu g m mere remote pr number 2207-EPR000 LEKHA H JI KON SA SOFTWARE KARU JI

  95. Avatar Of Satish



  96. Avatar Of Raeed Alderbas

    HI sir
    I want firmware and software for tp ms338 pb801 1920×1080 model le4219h general max tv smart
    Made in chain
    Can you help me

  97. Avatar Of Tp

    i am unable to download part no 4 and 5 of TPMS338.PB801 software.
    i hve 40 inch led and the software is listed on NO 2 in your list

    plz help me as soon as possible

  98. Avatar Of Sandeep

    Hi Bhaijaan,

    i have started booting the television but it’s showing only 1% loading data and not moving at all.

    please guide what to do

  99. Avatar Of Kb


    My tv was blocked in Smart TV animated so I update the firmware.

    My TV is Elekta ELED42 SMART – Mainboard : MS5507.PB801

    The firware was 100% uploaded. After Swich Off and Swich on i Have juste o second green screen and after all is black.

    How to do?
    Thank you

  100. Avatar Of Bhushan

    I had MEPL TV Model : HDL32H6000S 32 inch LED TV

    Board : TP.MS338.PB801

    4 GB Internal memory
    Resolution as per google search 1366×768

    please help to find which firmware i should download????

    share some images of Board & TV on below link :

  101. Avatar Of Gonzalo Moreno
    Gonzalo Moreno


    Resolution 3840 x 2160 Px
    RAM 1G
    HD 8G
    Any recomended firmware?

  102. Avatar Of Tariq Mirza

    Salaam sir mea ny ms338.pb801 software kiya hy Samsung remote wala lekin digital chenal ab nhi aa rahy pehlay to aa rahy thy

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      w.salam dobara scan karne hon gay

      • Avatar Of Waseem Saif

        Dear sir mere pas wisdom share 32inch led hey jis ka board no.TPMS358-PB801 hey resolution 1920×1080 hey. Jis ka display sirf logo hi ata hey. Muje is k remote ka nai pata k konsa hey. Kindly ap is ka koi best firmware bta den k me konsa firm ware download kerlon.

  103. Avatar Of Pankaj Jindal
    Pankaj Jindal

    maine sony 1920 X 1080 ke 5 part dowload kiye or pendrive mai copy karke tv main install kiya uske baad mera tv pa blank screen aati hai or 5 second main restart hone laga. fir maine 1366 wala download kiya lekin mera tv ab boot nahi le raha. please help

  104. Avatar Of Josue De Leon
    Josue de leon

    Do you have the RCA wisdom share link for dowloadyng please?

    • Avatar Of Kumaresan.r

      Hi sir my 40″ led tv I will update software via USB some second loding software but displayed on screen software update error after I switch off tv then on tv no power led glow I will check mother board voltage all of perfect how can I solve this problem please help me

      Thank you.

  105. Avatar Of Callie

    i need for harwa 32 inch wisdom share android 4.4 kitkat

  106. Avatar Of Sid

    Sir i have sony wisdom tv .it is 40 inches and their remote is INT-X LCD 3107 SIR MY TV SHOWS WISDOM LABLE STUCK ON OFF AND SIR THEIR TP.MS338.PB801 SIR PLZ TELL ME BEST SOFTAWARE FOR ME

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      first check the panel resolution then download accordingly. remote not confirm

      • Avatar Of Sid

        sir i am no confirmed but their youtube vedioes play 720p

        • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

          first check your internet speed then check video setting

          • Avatar Of Sid

            sir i have installed 1920*1080 sony rar file my tv become blank after update so plz sir help me and give me direction and give me any contact number

          • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

            fist check the panel resolution then install the correct software. if board is on then you can load another by usb

  107. Avatar Of Zahir


    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      very simple if you have any trouble watch video on the homepage of this website

      • Avatar Of Zahir

        thank you sir
        i watched the video is clear
        but i cannot find software file for NIKAI TV wich is 58 ENCH
        how i can find it
        because is not available in the lest

  108. Avatar Of Zahir

    very thanks Mr.
    Please help me i have NIKAI model NTV 5800 SLED
    I need software
    because no shop is open,

    thank you

  109. Avatar Of Sushant

    TP.MS338.PB801_1366x768_SAMSUNG IR_4GB_512MB

    Sir isska part 4 & 5 download nahi ho raha hai

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom


      • Avatar Of Sushant

        Ok dir thank yo so much

        Sir mera tv

        RAM 512MB & ROM 4GB
        Android Version 4.4 KitKat
        Resolution 1366×768
        Main Board TP.MS338.PB801

        Aapne aapse pucha toh aapne bola tha ki
        RAM/ROM dekh ke konsa bhi software download karo
        So maine ye Samsung ka software download kiya hai

        Kya ye sahi hai?
        Mai install kar sakta hu?
        Or ye kaam karega?

        • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

          dear software to sahi hen per ap k hardware se match karna zarori hy wana board dead. 512mb/4gb wala koi bhe kar len no issue

      • Avatar Of

        Sir extract nahi ho raha hai
        Input archive password mang raha hai
        Or error aa raha hai
        Failed ho raha hai

      • Avatar Of Sushant

        Sir update toh kiya aapne
        But software mai kuch toh problem hai
        Extract nahi ho raha hai
        Error bata raha hai
        & Archive

  110. Avatar Of Benny


  111. Avatar Of Ashraf

    dp.6a358.813 kasoftware ha sir ya koi motbadal ha

  112. Avatar Of Anand

    Hello Sir,

    I have downloaded the file and as per video upgraded your software from USB and done 100% installation, but after that my TV is showing Blank Screen only, Pahle ye Wonder Share screen pe ruk jaya karta tha, par ab to kuch nai dikhta sirf black screen aati hai, kripya Help Kare?

  113. Avatar Of Misir

    sir, tp.ms338.pb801. ram,512\4gb rom ye softwere ka zip file extract nai horaha

  114. Avatar Of Praveen

    Sir please jo software 1gb 8 gb kahi us ke same show karo or jo 512/4gb ka h us ke samne 512/4gb show kare

  115. Avatar Of Hitesh Pate

    512 MB * 4 GB

  116. Avatar Of Hitesh Pate

    hii sir i have tp.ms338.pb801 board and sony tv 4 gb 512 ram and 1920*1080 which softwar i need to downlod

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      sony remote files with said resolution. not for update. you can load it if software malfunction

  117. Avatar Of Macquis Jah

    Hello? where I found the software MSD6A338SXEG-003J

  118. Avatar Of Aakash

    sir maine sony vala software update kiya update complete hone ke baad shownick likha hua aata h or off hojati h screen baar baar yhi ho rha h or dursa firmware update krne k liye ab usb boot nhi ho rhi h…

  119. Avatar Of Harsh Gajjar

    sir mere pas wisdom share led hei, usme tp.ms338.pb801 board hei, 40″ ka led hei to mei kaunsa firmware download karu? please help me with this

  120. Avatar Of Sankaja Lakshan
    sankaja lakshan

    I have attempted to install TP.MS338.PB801_1366x768_512M_4G_Ref30 but its not opening. However, I
    successfully installed TP.MS338.PB801_1920x1080_TESTED 100% SAMSUNG IR to my NIKAI 32 TV. now it is blinking reg green blue and white.

  121. Avatar Of Ranju

    BOARD TP.MS338.PB801
    RESOLUTION 1920×1080

  122. Avatar Of Sankaja Lakshan
    Sankaja Lakshan

    My panel resolution is 1366×768. TV is working now but NIKAI remote not working. Please provide TP.MS338.PB801 firmware NIKAI tv? Please help me to find out.

  123. Avatar Of

    sir good day i have an elekta smart led tv which software will i download the mainboard is 338.pb 801

  124. Avatar Of Rene

    good day sir what is the possible problem of my tv before its stuck on smart logo after install the software i finish it with 100% then i off the tv after i on it its nothing showing in the screen its totally dark but the power is working plzz sir need some help tnx

  125. Avatar Of Akash

    01aiwa 42inchesh tv boot no load i want softwear TP.MS338.PB801

  126. Avatar Of Mohammed Saeed


  127. Avatar Of Ticocr

    i need this firmware for sankey cld40scv02 please

  128. Avatar Of Ra

    general box tv tbms338pb801 software download name ?

  129. Avatar Of Honey

    ikon led tv E40DFS. board TP.MS338.PB801. install nhi ho raha.. reply please
    pehle maine ik kiya.. ho gya..

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      apne kia kion zarorat ki thi aur ab current status kia hy

      • Avatar Of Honey


  130. Avatar Of

    China m90 remote 1st part not available

  131. Avatar Of Scaffale

    Thank you so much <3

  132. Avatar Of Pravin Sabe

    sir wisdon share main ruk gaya tha tv chalu hi nahi ho raha tha to maine aapka video dekha phir maine firmware upgrade kiya samsung vala 1080 vala kiya lekin usme colour change ho raha hai alag alag abhi tv chalu nahi horaha hai black screen display aa raha hai abhi kya karna chahiye

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      i think apne wrong resolution ka software load kar dia hy. apne tv k panel ki resolution check kar k dobara load karen

      • Avatar Of Pravin Sabe

        Resolution kaise check kare 32 inch hai mepl ka model s3203 hai please kaunsa software load karu please suggest. Mere hisab se 1366*768 hai

        • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

          apka hisab sahi malom hota hy per best tariqa panel number google kar k pata chalta hy wesy ap software karna kion chahte hen. agar update karna hy to zarorat nai

          • Avatar Of Pravin Sabe

            Mera tv wisdom share pe ruk gaya tha age nahi ja raha tha isliye maine apka video dekhke samsung 1080 vala software load kiya to vo pura alag alag colour ake band ho gaya abhi main kya karu vo bataye na sir kaunsa software usme chalega

          • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

            i think resolution ka fault hy. ap apne panel ki resolution check karen aur phir software load karen

  133. Avatar Of Rahul

    Sir mera TV 32 inch hai jisme cvte_MSD338_512M DIKHA RAHA HAI ISME KOUN SA SOFTWARE UPGRAGE KAROO
    PLz call me my. No. 8630018253

  134. Avatar Of Bassam

    I have Nikai tv Smart NYV5800 SLED need update is not working making restart

  135. Avatar Of Chetan

    i have universal led 32 inch with tpms338pb801 board it has
    allupgrade msd338 _4g_ref30.bin

    kindly suggest which is the best update i can install.


  136. Avatar Of Imran

    TP.MS338.PB801_IKON_IK-E32DFS ke files download nahi ho rahe. Please help.

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      website k homepage pe download process ki video hy woh dekh len

      • Avatar Of Imran

        Thanks, I downloaded the software and followed your instructions to update firmware via USB. It progressed till 47%, stuck there for about 7-8 mins and then the update failed. There was a message finally stating update failed. Now the remote is also not working and the power button has shifted to ‘Source’ button to switch on the TV.

        My TV model is IKON IK-E32DFS, so I downloaded the firmware from ’39’ section of this page. Is there an alternate firmware that I should use now?

  137. Avatar Of Ahmed Shihab

    Hi Sir,

    My TV is Nikai, model NTV3200SLED, Panel Resolution: 1366*768. Which one I need to download. Please assist me

  138. Avatar Of Ganesh

    i have markson led tv and facing same problem which software I need to download

  139. Avatar Of Daredevil

    after updating software my tv sound is not working. Please tell the solution.

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      this happen when you load same chipset software on different boards. first, check the mainboard then install the relevant software

  140. Avatar Of Marron Aldemita

    hi is there any update for tp-ms338-pb801 for elekta smart tv? i downloaded all the file and when i extract it, there is some error such this “checksum error in part 03”

  141. Avatar Of Giovanny

    buenas noches donde puedo encontar el softweare del televisor SYMPLY esta es la refderencia syled322t2

  142. Avatar Of Marron Aldemita

    what happen if i install different software form my tv?
    for example i download “TP.MS338.PB801_IKON_IK-E32DFS_USB.part5” and my tv is Elekta smart t. Is still working?

  143. Avatar Of Suhail

    i have msd358_4g_512M_AS_ref45.bin installed
    which bin i should upgrade as my TV showing NETFLIX not supported.

  144. Avatar Of

    hello sir how to install the tp.vst59.p67 software plz share the video

  145. Avatar Of Carlos Leon

    hola tengo una tpms339pb801 ella esta buena pero la estoy colocando en un tv con la 1920 1080 cuando descargo uno de samsung o sony y lo coloco en la usb no logra iniciar en el modo de actualizacion filmwere que se pudiera hacer para poder instalarlo

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      why you want to install this firmware??

      have you verified your board number and rom/ram.

      this firmware is auto boot from fat32 usb. change the usb disk in case of failure

      • Avatar Of Paul

        Good evening sir

        My phx 42 FHd channel not boot when I try to boot as per instruction given in your. Video.

  146. Avatar Of Nischay

    I have Samsung LCD. I am not able to boot the pendrive.
    USB change bhi karke try kiya, sab kcuh kar liya par mera TV boot nahi kar raha USB ko.
    USB ko kaise boot kara sakte hain jisse TV USB se software install karle. Please help.

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      apne bataya nai k software kion karna hy aur tv kis condition pe hy. agar update karna hy to zarorat nai

      nai to file extract kar k bin file usb me rakhen

  147. Avatar Of Moiez

    aoa sir i have a 358.pb801 board and its been stuck on logo and i have downloaded the bin files in usb and my tv is not booting and i have also changed the usb when i put the usb only res and white lights come and not boot screen

  148. Avatar Of Mustafa

    I have Nikai Model NTV5800SLED .. I would like to Update it
    static in ( wisdom – share smart cloud tv )

    thank you

  149. Avatar Of Mohamed Shehade
    mohamed shehade

    i want software to smart tv led42BU4S

  150. Avatar Of Subham Pandey

    Please upload software update of BD_MSD338-801 Board.

  151. Avatar Of Salim

    what software is good for nkiai 58 inch led smart!
    what one is good !!

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      chinese boards have final version installed in it. so, installed current software is good. no other choice

  152. Avatar Of Md.omar Faruk
    Md.Omar Faruk

    Assalamu Alaikum – Kazmi Vai,
    I am from Bangladesh. I need your help. I need allupgrade_msd338_8g_1g_ref55.bin file.
    My board TP.MS338.PB801 Wisdom Share Smart cloud TV. Please help if you can. Thanks.

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      w.salam dear you can load anyone according to your resolution and rom. remote and logo maybe change.

      if ref55 not available and other file refs also not work then rename ref to sos

  153. Avatar Of Pedigree

    Which version can i use for the TP.MS338.PB801 board used in Videocon TV? I cant find one specifically for videocon.

  154. Avatar Of Sajid Hussain

    PANEL INFO :allupgrade_msd338_4G_ref30.bin
    ka softwar TP.MS338.PB801_1366x768_512M_4G_Ref30.part1
    Saray azma chuka hoon upgrating data err show karta hay meray pass Nobel smart tv 32″ hay jis main maping ka issue hay

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      is board me mapping service menu se set ho jati hy. agar nai ho rahi to panel me fault ho sakta hy

  155. Avatar Of Sukhchain Aggarwal
    Sukhchain Aggarwal

    Hi Sir

    I’m using Wisdom Share Smart 42 inch TV with TP.MS338.PB801. I had software problem. After watching your video on youtube i was installed 12 no. software in my LCD. But now my LCD screen is showing black and nothing is visible. Please send me correct software which is suitable for my LCD.

    Waiting for your reply.

    Thank You

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      oh no, you should first try to reset instead of loading firmware.

      now check the panel resolution and load correctly firmware

  156. Avatar Of Prakash

    Hi Friend,

    i have download all parts of Elkta 40 smart led tv, but part 3 is throwing some error when extracting, please advice.

    actually my tv got struct in booting screen, wisdom share smart cloud screen, its model is ELE-40SMART(T2-E)



    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      Dear Parkash, No need to load software. just reset it to recovery mode and clear cache memory. all will be ok. watch the video tutorial in videos

  157. Avatar Of Jenis

    After updating software no screen is coming .
    Software updated successfully but after removing pendrive n restart only black screen comes…

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      check resolution first then load correctly software

    • Avatar Of Asad Ali

      Sir mny recovery mode py click kia tha, colir b khraab ho gye or screen b 180 degree py rotate ho gai. Mny factory menu sy panel settings sy LVDS Mirror mode off b kia h lkn abi b screen ulti he hai

  158. Avatar Of Abouocef

    I need this software, but the quality is 1920×1080
    TP.MS338.PB801_1366x768_Saudi Arab_Ref53

  159. Avatar Of Honey

    IKON 32 NOT WORK..

  160. Avatar Of Pawan


    I have 39 inches wisdom share smart led tv.
    board BD TP ms338 PB801 A10
    panel : 1366 768

    I changed lvds port swap from off to on.
    At that movement, screen became blue without any picture.
    Nothing is working.

    Could you please fix this problem.
    What should I do?

  161. Avatar Of Pawan

    Thanks for your reply sir.
    Could you please tell me which file should I download for this board from your site?

  162. Avatar Of Francosants

    Muchas Gracias por compartir maestro, ¿No hay softwere para un tv de resolucion 3840 x 2160? he instalado de una marca CONTINENTAL 1920×1080 y mi tv es de mas de 40 pulgadas, no se ve nítido , ¿Talvez debería instalar un softwere de Samsung 8g? Gracias por responder.

  163. Avatar Of Rafik


  164. Avatar Of Muhammad Nabeel Sarwar
    muhammad nabeel sarwar

    TP_MS338_PB801_A10 Song led resolution 1080*768 need upgraded software for all HD videos

  165. Avatar Of Florencio

    Buenas noches tengo una TV Gala de 32 Modelo DLED32B5000 con placa TP-MS338.PB801 no logro actualizar baje unos firmware pero se ponen de cabeza y el control no responde me podran ayudar


    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      sorry dear not available for Gala brand. upside-down can be set from the factory setting Menu 1147 and use universal remote

  166. Avatar Of Adrar Hussaim

    Links for tp-ms338-pb801 1366x768_Sony_IR_512 are dead. please look and fix

  167. Avatar Of Sheraz

    sir g tp.ms358pb801 download nhi ho rha g

  168. Avatar Of Edna

    Software for tv rca rc40g16n-sm TP.MS338.PB801

  169. Avatar Of Glenford Dorset
    Glenford Dorset

    This is not working:


  170. Avatar Of Phạm Văn Diện
    phạm văn diện

    không có thư mục trong tệp khi tải xuống là sao ad

  171. Avatar Of Md.milon

    softer TP.MS338PB801 ple…..

  172. Avatar Of Sajjad

    part 3 of elekta not downloaded and error massage

  173. Avatar Of Dhyey Patel

    I have wisdom share smart cloud TV (SONY) 55 ” with TV board type BD_MSD338-801,
    but, since last few months i cant see youtube or other media app, and the error shown as this app in not compitable with your system.
    so, please guide me what can i do for the above query?

  174. Avatar Of Bhargav Padaliya
    Bhargav padaliya

    Sr mere tv 4.4 android software hee to update karna ho to konsa software chlega kaa tv hee or 2200epr000 vala remote hee

  175. Avatar Of Bhargav Padaliya
    Bhargav padaliya

    TP.MS338.PB801 board he or 2200-ERP000 vala remote hee 32in kaa tv hee to usme kon si fle chalegi

  176. Avatar Of Bhargav Padaliya
    Bhargav padaliya

    TP.MS338.PB801 32in ro 2200-EPR000 vala remote he to osme kosa softwer chlega

  177. Avatar Of

    sir for nikai which software i should download

  178. Avatar Of Manoj Kumar

    Dear Sir,

    My Elekta TV 40SmartT2E got stuck on wisdom screen after I tried to install an app from playstore(during install TV got off ,then on, and stuck on wisdown screen). The board is TP.MS338.PB801, resolution_1920X1080, ram 512MB, 4GB flash, Android 4.4, panel number AU32_T315xW03. I used to watch TV with Elekta remote only, since panel menu/up/down butttons works erratically, however panel on/off switch works properly.

    I could see software#42 for elekta with ref 33 from your site. Can I proceed with installation of this software sir. However I recall the previous service menu indicated software version appupgrade_msd338_4G_ref40.bin.

    Looking for your early advice, I have sent this concern to your gmail address as well

  179. Avatar Of

    sir can use ikon SMAT TV IK-E32DFS plz help..

  180. Avatar Of Shakir

    Sir mere paas santron brand ka smart tv hai aur ismei baord type msd338_801 likha aaraha hai aur android kitkat 4.4 oe chal raha hai iske upgrade k liye kya karna hoga mei india kashmir se hun please is koka hal batayein

  181. Avatar Of Hamed


  182. Avatar Of Muhammad Imran
    Muhammad Imran

    i have Wisdom Share Smart Cloud TV board no TT.MS338.PB801 with resolution 1920*1080 Size 50 Inch with Sony tag. I don’t have info about remote no. Please suggest which software will work. Or how to check my remote model/ No.

  183. Avatar Of Dhaval Desai

    Hello DEAR



  184. Avatar Of Stanley

    Hi Sir,

    Please can you share with me the link to download the file for Elekta, I have tried using the link above but it doesn’t work.

    I can not download the file. It is unable to create download link.

  185. Avatar Of Aman Banjara

    Board Type : BD_TP_MS338_PB801_A10
    OCS NUMBER : 379027
    SW MAIN VERSION : 20180920_101955
    SW UPPGRADE NAME : allupgrade_msd338_8g_1g_ref56.bin
    PENEL INFO : 1920*1080
    Sir ye mere board ki informations hai mujhe konsa wala file download karna chahiye? mera allupgrade_msd338_8g_1g ref56 wala list me available nahi hai, mere tv me volume automatically up down ho raha hai, maine tv ko local store me bhi dikhwaya unhone kaha board kharab hai, please bataye kya ye software se thik ho sakta hai ? please madad karen

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      Dear software ka issue nai hy. ap isko factory default kar k check kar len. kisi dosre technician ko check karwa len yeh theek ho sakta hy

      • Avatar Of Aman Banjara

        sir board ko usb laga kar factory reset karne par 1 % par stuck ho ja raha hai recovery load nahi ho pa rahi hai kya masla ho sakta hai

  186. Avatar Of Muhammad Ashfaq

    sir…TP.MS338.PB801_1920x1080_SAMSUNG REMOTE software install kiya ha magar wireless-display app add nahi. wireless-display app kaha se add karni ha

  187. Avatar Of Diego

    Wich one I need for tp.ms338.pb801 Sankey 55″, 1080?

  188. Avatar Of Adnan

    sir software download nhi ho rha Samsung china wisdom share Samart led tv 50 inch sir is k lea knsa software download karna paryga please guide or download kasy hogi file

  189. Avatar Of Syed

    Sir please wansa model WLE32G7762S, board TP.MS338.PB801 ka upgrade andriod version above 5.1 ka link send kardein bari meharbani hogi. current version 4.4 ha youtube not working.

    Thanks in advance

  190. Avatar Of Brian K

    i cant extract the firmware because of the zip file protected

  191. Avatar Of Muhammad Shahzad Mughal
    Muhammad Shahzad Mughal


  192. Avatar Of Annageldy

    Can you plz find TP.MS338.PB801 Software for STAR TRACK 43 LED TV (ST-43D-EL-SMART).
    I tried TP.MS338.PB801_1920X1080_512M_4G_REF60 and TP.MS338.PB801_1920X1080_M90_REF30 but original remote control of TV does not work. Thank you a lot!

  193. Avatar Of S Mamun

    Flashed my tv with wrong firmware. It there any way to fix it?

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      load dump with a programmer

      • Avatar Of S Mamun

        I think by “Programmer” you meant some sort of hardware. Which I dont have and cant have one. Is the any other way to fix it. Main board model of my tv is TP.MS338.PB801.

        Anyway I have a Broken TV (Main Board Model is TP.MS338.PB819). Can I swap this mainboard with TP.MS338.PB801.

        Please note that I am not a technician. Thank you in advance.

  194. Avatar Of Eligio

    I have a TP.MS338.B801 motherboard with FHD software (1920×1080), but I want an HD software (1366×768). I tried with all the HD software, but do not update the motherboard (it does not recognize the software). Is there anything I can do for it? The motherboard works normally

  195. Avatar Of Nadir

    Hello sir, please i have smart tv thomson with motherboard tp.ms338.pb801 i try to update this software :
    TP.MS338.PB801_1366x768_512M_4G_Thomson but nothing happen
    is there any key to hold ?
    thx for reply

  196. Avatar Of Thotakuri Sandeep Kumar

    i had a wisdom share cloude tv with motherboard number bd_tp_ms338_pb801_a10 which file i have to download please guide me sir

  197. Avatar Of Syed

    hi sir Plz send me update software for TP.MS338.PB818 for IKON 32 inch smart TV

  198. Avatar Of Tarun

    sir, allupgrade_msd338_8G_1G please

  199. Avatar Of Rajesh

    Sir, can you please provide software for allupgrade_msd338_8G_1G_ref49
    When I tried other allupgrade_msd338_8G_1G bins it got stuck on Loading Data 1%
    With great hopes…… ^_^

  200. Avatar Of Narayan K. Rai

    hello sir, please help me i need nikai logo 1366X768 board id TP.MS338.PB801

  201. Avatar Of Rajesh

    I exactly did sir but it just got stuck on “Loading data 1%”
    and luckily i had seen service menu of my TV and found that its firmware file was “allupgrade_msd338_8G_1G_ref49.bin” so ref 49 is something i want not something what i have
    and after a lot of browsing internet i concluded that i must have the exact ref49 firmware not any other 1G_8G software………
    So I am just requesting you to UPLOAD that “allupgrade_msd338_8G_1G_ref49” 🙂

  202. Avatar Of Andy In Ireland
    Andy in Ireland

    Hello – I have e-star (lithuania) LED Android 9 TV with a TP.SK506S.PB802 board in it with the firmware of allupgrade506_8GB_1GB_ref60.bin file I upgraded the TV using allupgrade506_8GB_1GB_ref60.bin but from a NordMende TV (now starts up with Nordmende LOGO at TV startup) – everything works fine …. except the e-star remote buttons are now all mapped out wrong and do not correspond to the writing on the buttons , so say for examplethe ‘Menu’ button is now a ‘Exit’ Button. I can get by and still watch the TV channels OK , but if I wanted to remedy this now will I have to reload the original allupgrade506_8GB_1GB_ref60.bin for the e-star or get a NordMende Remote Control to fix the issue?
    Also what are the different ‘Ref’ number in the bin file what is that for is it just different versions is it?
    thank You.

    • Avatar Of Kazmielecom

      better to use universal or nordmende remote control. Ref number assigned for different brands/customers. you can rename ref number to sos for universal use.

  203. Avatar Of

    Tp.ms338.pb801 board mai hdmi port mai set top box no signal show kar rha hai ,
    Baki device hdmi se sahi kaam krre hai
    Please guide

  204. Avatar Of Samir

    how to chang romot tp.ms338.pb801 ka

  205. Avatar Of Hatem Abosamra

    Iwent the passwrod for falshes and files and want to participate in the froum with memdership

  206. Avatar Of Ahsan

    TP MS338 PB801 SIR
    version 4.4.4 to 8.0 k software ka name bata dain

  207. Avatar Of N.amir

    my main board is tp.ms338.pb801.a10
    which one i have to download?

  208. Avatar Of Ahmed Raza

    Asslam u Alikum Sir Me tp.ms338.pb801 Samsung remote 32 inch led ka software kar raha hoon jo aapnay video ma details di ha us hee mutabiq lakin jab ma usb laga kar on kar raha hoon too kuch bhi nahi horaha ha same hee issue barqarar ha. Or jo Aap nay recovery mode per lay janay wali file banai ha us say display too aaraha ha lakin (LOOADING FILE 1%) percent per stuck hwa vaa ha.

    Please Bata Dain Kiya Issue Ha??

  209. Avatar Of Naseem

    Sir.. I saw your posts and I tried to use recovery Bin for TP.MS338-PB801, per 1% say agay nai chalti. Secondly Andriod version 4.4 say upgarde kar saktay hyn coz Youtube nai chalta.

  210. Avatar Of Braulio Figueroa

    hOLA MUCHAS GRACIAS, ES UNA buena página para los elecronicos

  211. Avatar Of Shahbaz

    sir mera samsung smart tv burning,aging mode per chala gayea ha ore software ure gayea ha kindly give me advice 32 inch wisdom cloud smart tv MODEL,, 18 SERIESlR18000UA32R18000JK
    Plzzz ap ka youtube follower hu kindly give me advice

  212. Avatar Of Ahmad Tehseen
    Ahmad Tehseen

    Sir maine file download kr k USB mai copy ki or TV mai usb laga k OFF and ON kia lekin automatically update ni hua jaise video mai apne btaya tha please help

  213. Avatar Of Ahmad Tehseen
    Ahmad Tehseen

    sir aap mujhe please guide kr den mai kon c file downlod krun exactly mere pas Samsung Made in Malaysia hai or isky card pe ye number hai TP.MS338.PB801 or Production Model Smart Hai Storage Space 4GB hai b ye ni pta RAM hai ya ROM hai Android Version 4.4.4 hai

  214. Avatar Of

    bhi ap TP.sk529.pb815 ful hd 1020*1080 ka software uplod kar do plz Shaukat Ali Anjum

  215. Avatar Of Alireza

    I did not find an update for my LG 49 inch TV with TP.M338.PB801 board here. Please guide me. How?
    Thank you
    From : Iran

  216. Avatar Of Alireza

    What type of board should I get? Can you tell me the model or serial number of the board I need for my LG 49 inch TV?
    Thank you.


  217. Avatar Of Ali Husnain

    TP.MS338.PB801 nobel smart tv mein android 4.4.4 ha kia ye android 5 par update hoskta ha? Ram 1GB

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