Tag Archives: Original Receiver Original Receiver Firmware Free Download

Dump/Flash Files of Branded/Original Receivers Free Download

Dump/Flash Files of Branded/Original Digital Satellite Receivers

Dump/Flash Files of Branded/Original Receivers. A dump file or Flash file is a boot information data with software/program of an electronic device which is located at EEPROM or Flash IC or Memory IC of that device. The main processor/Microcontroller retrieves the information from memory ic when it is powered on to know how to work/boot.

Dump/Flash Files

If the Flash IC/Memory IC is damaged for any reason or Its program/firmware is corrupt due to any reason then the Main controller does not get any boot/basic information and the device does not turn on. In this situation, we need to reprogram the flash ic with the matched hardware dump/flash file to get the device in normal condition. The dump file can be loaded by a Loader Tool or with a Programming Tool.

Dump/Flash Files

Here are some Original/Branded satellite receiver’s Dump/Flash files for free download:


S.No.Dump File NameDownload Link
1Dump Star Track ALI-HD2-EM-VER1.0 TestedDownload
2Dump Echolink 7112 with Loader ToolDownload
3Dump Original Starsat 8989HDDownload
4Dump Original Tiger T8 High Class HD 16MBDownload
5Dump Original Starsat 8800HD HyperDownload
7Dump Starsat 2000HD Extreme 16MBDownload
8Dump Starsat SR-2100HD V1.62Download
9Dump STAR TRACK 5500 HDDownload
10Dump Star Track_7700_HD_HS1024_30001Download
11Dump Starsat 90000HD Extreme with Loader Tool TestedDownload
12Dump Starsat SR-9999HDDownload
13Dump SR-C10HD-B10HD-S10HD-M20HD M3510ADownload
14Dump SUPERMAX SM3000HD 3GDownload
15Dump Star Gold SG-610HD MiniDownload
16Dump StarMax Future SX-6000HD 25Q64 8MbDownload
17Dump STARTRACK SRT 140 HD GSR_GN429_V2.0Download
18Dump SR-990HD_U03_STARSAT_Vega_ALI3510C_HW102.02.001Download
19Dump 2000 HD Hyper_New SerialDownload
20Dump Geant 2000 HD PLUSDownload
21Dump Original PRIFIX 8000HDownload
22Dump Original SR 2000 HD HYPER By Ikram DirujiiDownload
23Dump Original SR 2000 HD HYPER by sami.maanDownload
24Dump Original SR 2000 HD HYPER_2Download
25Dump Original SR 2000 Hyper W25Q64 07032018 By IRDownload
26Dump ORIGINAL SR-88HD SR-98HD (GD25Q32)Download
27Dump Original SR-2000hd-hyper v1.54Download
28Dump Original STARSAT 2000HD HyperDownload
29Dump Original Tiger T8 High ClassDownload
30Dump Senator 888_new versionDownload
31Dump SR 2000 HD HYPER_1Download
32Dump SR 2000HD Hyper By IRDownload
33Dump SR-2000 Hyper New Serial (16,17,19)Download
34Dump STAR TRACK SRT-2016 EXTRA ALI3612_0E010500 v1.4.46Download
35DUMP- StarMax STM 60 ALFADownload
36DUMP- StarMax STM 160 ALFADownload
37Dump starsat 2000 hyper 2.23 Sn 16 by IR_2Download
38Dump starsat 2000hd hyper by SHEHARYARDownload
39Dump Starsat 2000HD sr.15 v.233Download
40Dump Starsat Hyper 2000HD Serial 14Download
41DUMP Starsat SR-6060HD (W25Q32)Download
42DUMP Starsat SR-6969HD PRIME (GD25Q32)Download
43DUMP Starsat SR-7979HD mx25L3205Download
44DUMP Starsat SR-8000HD (W25Q64)Download
45Dump Starsat SR-9000HDDownload
46Dump Starsat SR-50000HDDownload
47Dump StarSat_2000_Hyper_new chipDownload
49Dump TIGER T6 HIGH CLASS HD 8MbDownload
50Dump Tiger T800 Full HDDownload
55DUMP-StarMax A50Download
56DUMP-StarMax A150Download
57DUMP-StarMax STM 50 ALFA 8MbDownload
58DUMP-StarMax STM 150 ALFADownload
59Dump Original_StarSat SR-2000HD ACEDownload
60Dump Starsat SR-B10 MegaDownload
61Dump Starsat SR-C10 2MbDownload
62Dump Starsat SR-M20 1MbDownload
63Dump Starsat SR-T10 Ultra 1MbDownload
64Dump Starsat SR-T15 512KBDownload
65Dump Starsat SR-7000HD and Freesat 7000HDDownload
66Dump ALI3612_0E000600_neosat_linka01_or_Linka02Download
67Dump FLASH- StarMax A20 Download
69Dump Neosat 550 HD Software 8MbDownload
70Dump Neosat 550HD Ali 3612 0E000600Download
71Dump Original Starsat SR 9999HD+Upgrade ToolDownload
72Dump Original Starsat SR 13000HDDownload
73Dump Original Starsat SR-9898HD V1.18Download
74Dump Star Track 2016 Plus 8MbDownload
76Dump Starsat SR-6300HD 4MbDownload
77Dump Starsat SR-6969HD PrimeDownload
78Dump Starsat SR-90000HD Extreme Load by ProgrammerDownload
79Dump Starsat SR-S10 1MbDownload
80Dump STARTRACK M3601SAllCo HDDownload
81Dump Super Golden Lazer 1100 SuperDownload
82Dump Super Golden Lazer 2200 SuperDownload
83Dump Super Golden Lazer 4020 SuperDownload
84Dump Super Golden Lazer 5000 SuperDownload
85Dump Super Golden Lazer 8000 HD ClassicDownload
86Dump Super Golden Lazer 8000 HDDownload
87Dump Super Golden Lazer 2012 HDDownload
88Dump Super Golden Lazer 7000 HDDownload
89Dump Super Golden Lazer_888_777_999_v7.34_v2Download
90Dump Super Lazer 2015_extremDownload
92Dump Tiger T600HD 2USB with Loader ToolDownload
93Dump Tiger T800HD-v2.20Download
94Dump Titanium HD-T7800Download
95Dump Titanuim 7500HDDownload
96Dump True V T 9000-25q64Download
97Dump TRUMAN TM888 HD-YW-LINKA01-VER1.2Download
98Dump ALIM3501 HD3602ZB V1.3 4MbDownload
99Dump Openbox S11 HD PVR HDS2Download
100Dump Tiger G550 HD 8MbDownload
101DUMP STARSAT SR-2070HDDownload
102Dump Starsat SR-2095HD 16MbDownload
103Dump StarSat_2000_Hyper_17_Serial_V2.57Download
104Dump Star Track SRT 2016 Plus_YW-LINKA01-VER1.0 (S25FL064P)Download
105Dump Tiger T8 High Class v2Download
106Dump Premium 12800 Plus 16MbDownload
107Dump Mediastar MS-4030 4KDownload
108Star Box ST-20 Plus 8MbDownload

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