T.V56.031 Universal TV Board

T.V56.031 is a universal LCD/LED TV Controller board that is designed for Asian countries and supports the Russian menu language as well. T_V_56_031 supports a high screen resolution of 1920×1080 panels. T.V56.031 is compatible with 7-55″ LVDS screens but does not support all panels.

Basic Info:

Model No. T.V56.031

Main Chipset: TSUMV56RUU-Z1

Support Language: Russian, English, Chinese, French, Vietnamese

Display Format: 720p

Max Resolution : up to 1920×1080

Aspect Ratio: 4:3, 16:9 & 16:10


General Specifications:


Panel Interface: Single channel or Dual channel LVDS

Mirror Enable: Yes

Key Button Functions: CH-/CH+/MENU/VOL-/VOL+Souce/Power

Multi-Language OSD: Yes

Input/Output Ports: HDMI, VGA, AV, USB, RF TV interface and Earphone Out

Audio O/P Power: 2 x 3 Watt (8 ohm)

Panel Voltage: +3.3V/+5V/+12V DC (jumping cap setting)

USB Port: Yes (Firmware Upgrade and Multimedia Playback Support)

USB File Format: Audio (Mp3, wma, m4a/aac), Video (avi, mp4, ts/trp, mkv/mov, mpg, dat, vob, rm/rmvb),                                                 Picture (Jpg, jpeg, bmp, png), Text (text)

IR Control: Yes (Controllable by Remote Control)


Electrical Parameters:

Working Input Voltage: DC +12 Volt 4Amp

Maximum Current: 2000mA (Without Panel)

Standby Power: <0.2W (for motherboard only)

Maximum Current for USB: 500mA

How to Upgrade Firmware:

  1. Copy the Required Firmware/software (“VST56_4MB.bin”) in FAT32 USB Disk
  2. Plug in the U disk into the Mainboard USB port of LCD/LED TV
  3. Switch ON the power and Wait even IR indicator led flash rapidly
  4. Done. Unplug the Udisk (It will take max 1 min to upgrade firmware)
  5. It continues to keeps flashing and never stop. This is normal, just wait about 1 minute, this means that the update is complete. Then turn off and turn on also remove the u-disk

Factory Service Mode:

Input 2580

Note: The following firmware is a dump backup. Kazmi Elecom Team is not responsible for any type of damage/loss as a result of uploading/downloading the firmware. If you are new and do not have enough knowledge of loading or installing software/firmware or dump files then read here first.

How to Download:

Download the following firmware and then extract you will get the folder. Now load the file by a programmer. For More Detail about the download, process watch the video Click Here

T.V56.031 Firmware All resolutions Free Download:


For video tutorials, visit “Kazmi Elecom” my youtube channel.


  1. Avatar Of Jef

    hi, do you have firmwares for TH.RR8501.031D? tnx

  2. Avatar Of Dee

    Hi. I have t.v56.031 board and already download the file for 1366×768. But when I flash the board, nothing hapend. Led still red not blinking. Hope your help.

  3. Avatar Of Mirkofc

    Hi, recenttly I bought a pair of universal LCD cards model T.V56.031, according tothe label attached to the card it comes pre-recorded with a firmware for panel M215H1-L03(1920×1090), and indeed, I tested it on a full HD panel and it worked perfectly. My problems begin when I try to load another firmware for panel whith HD resolution 1366×768, I downloaded several firmwares for that resolution (all named “VST56_4MB.bin”) and tried several USB flash drives of different brands and capicities formated in FAT32, when conecting the 12V the led stats red, dos not flash as it should, and does not load the correspondin firmware. Has somthhing like this happened to you with this card? Any advice? Thanks in advance.

  4. Avatar Of Daniel

    hi, Sorry for my English. I have this board T.v56.031 in this post but it only allows you to flash the firmware with the name VST56_4MB_M.bin. In the panel information it is “CPS9_19002743_HBT_VST56_031_A1_IR_XY_AP_M90_PNL_A141EW01V0_SI6L_1280X800…… ” . You will have the firmware for this board. Please , I can´t find them on the internet

  5. Avatar Of Dw

    Hi. I’ve notice that I have to wait about 5 sec after the led start flashing red and before I click “Power”. Then the led changes to green. Can this “boot process” (the delay when the board doesn’t react on button) be somehow speeded up?

  6. Avatar Of Shivun

    Hello, Do you have a “VST56_4MB_M.bin” for 1680×1050?

  7. Avatar Of Yonevelt

    I’ve got this board for an LG Phillips 1440×900 LCD. Everything was working fine until I found websites including this offering firmwares. I’ve downloaded the corresponding one (1440×900 general), update went fine, no issues. However, the screen shows wrong colours as seen on the following links:
    I’ve tried these from T.V56.031_1440x900_General_USB, all shows the same image:
    Any idea? It was fine before the fw update. Is there any settings in Factory mode what I should consider? I’ve tried searching more fw-s, but each website offers the same files. Thank you.

  8. Avatar Of José Magalhães

    Hello i bought that board to fix a LG MONITOR , and i have cable tv . I put the automatic schearch and nothing happens . Could you help me ? Thank you

  9. Avatar Of Oğuz

    elimde bu üründen var ama çalıştıramadım size göndersem baka

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