Collection of LCD/LED Tools
LCD/LED Tools are shared in this post for the technician’s support.
Here is the collection of multiple Tools related to LCD/LED TVs for free download. These tools will help to explore or unzip the bin files, Logo maker and changer, smart android unpack tools, Recovery Tools, Backup Tools, SPI Tools, and many more. So, Download it free and enjoy.
These tools are for technician support and learning/educational purposes only. Kazmi Elecom Team is not responsible in case of any damage or loss.
How to Download:
Download all given parts and then extract anyone of them, you will get the folder. Now you can use the tools of your own choice. For more Details about the download, process watch the video Click Here
All LCD/LED TOOLS Download Here:
- MStar BinTool-GUI
- TV Boot Extract Tool
- Image Extractor_3.1_Tool
- MStarBin Tool_GUI_x86_v2.4
Firmware reuired of TP.V56.PB832 for all available resolution
hello sir
i have this tv : muller GS-55FLED and the board is CV59SH-ASM
the tv show logo on startup and do not continue .i think it needs a firmware update.
i DL your soft CV59SH-ASM rar file and open it .i see a file CV59SH-ASM.BIN
i understand that this is the firmware? but i do not know if im right and i do not know how to load it to the tv
can you help pleas
thank you
better to read and write small EEPROM with programmer
thank you for the reply
Do you think that the EPROM soft is the problem ????
someone told me that he think that the problem is the smart module on the board.
what do you think about it???
by the way ..i try to upload your firmware to the tv with a formated USB flash , and when i do the steps you mention here the tv do not access the USB at all .nothing happened after startup just the logo comes on and disappear after few seconds the tv remains on but no image.
change the pen drive
I think only software issue nothing else
sorry, what is the pen drive that i need to change?
how can i solve this software issue? i cant update from a usb drive.
can you help on this?
hello sir
is there a programer you recomend to buy?
ch341 for beginner/home user. RT809F for Shopkeeper
Hlo sir
Sir ji ya tool sand ker do
Please halp sir
use GUI Mstar Tool that is easy and given in this post
Dear Sir,
I have this TCL TV • Software version: V8-N563T01-LF1V119
• Client type: TCL-AP-NT63DT-S1
can I update my TV software to a newer one so I can download new apps
Hello bow are y ou.i tant T.HD.3663.031A firmware
Hi, My TV is having CV338H_A50 board and am facing issue with the fonts, they are getting distorted and hazy. While video and images have no issues… Please help.
you can adjust screen parameters from Service Menu. Press Source 2580 then change the values
tools download nahi ho raha hai error show karta hai always
AOA sir
I need software for orient LED 55″ 4K led…board numbr “MSA6380-ZC01-01” iski 3 usb ports hain or HDMI ports.
1GB ram and 8 GB rom hy.. agr iska apna software na milay to ease koi alternate suggest kr dain
w.salam dear iska nai hy
hello sir, i am looking Firmware HK.T.SP9202P63 for 40 inch .thanks……
not available
I have t.hd.3663.031e universal tv were can I find it
Hello, please, do you know how to change panel parameters using and change files into carpets? Thanks a lot
Sorry no carpets, folders
Sir T59B.V5.1-8
not available
Respected Sir
i have Orient 55 M8010 4k uhd android tv 1gb ram 8g space need to software update i called many times to company but still waiting for reply please help my tv stuck at android i will be thank full if needful will done sir
if in warranty then contact with a support center
first, try to hard reset or reset to recovery mode and clear cache and do a factory reset
Assalam Alaykum Sir,
How to change the resolution from bin file 1366×768 to 1920×1080?
the easiest way is to change the software
Sir, Any new tools for smart android board, please upload.
Necesito firmware de mainboard 35019185 panel 72000379ytk, Solution m6369 con idioma español , sistema de deTV ntsc
not available
LG lcd tv 24LN4145-TE firmware link please
Hello sir please make a video by using MStar Bin TOOL GUI
ok dear i will try
Aslam-o-Alakm sir secure CRT software ke sath serial print connect kasy kay ge
how the pkg files are extracted
tool not available
Hi . can extract and change config file ( for example change panel setting ) in simple model tv or note smart ?
for example how extraxt this file ?
if you know about hexadecimal or you use hex workshop then you can modify but you should take ideas from youtube tutorials. or simply use logo change tools
I have panasonic TH 28C400DX LED TV .
Unable to find firmware for it , can you help.
Also how to make bootable pen drive with firmware(bin) file
This is a backup dump file and can be loaded by a programmer. no way to make bootable
hi sir ,i will try to change remote control with another one ,is posible do it at firmware bin ,the unit is led tv Panasonic model th-32a402g ,remote control is uniq diferent with Panasonic other
i will try do it your software
but they same modul and same chipset different model no .
Hi kazmielecom
My Hisense android tv suddenly showing blank screen after logo.
Board is TP.MS6683T.PB753 and I got the firmware from your site, thanks for it.
Now how to flash the firmware via usb, I’m not able to find any video link or steps.
Thanks..kindly share the steps or link to flashing via usb steps.
ok perfcet
asslam o alikum!
Dear team, you are doing such a nice work. there is a question regarding my led which is konka brand model of the tv is 49ME720ANT . I want to go in the recovery mode. through software or through buttons please guide me what to do and how to do? thanks in advance
I have tried every trick but TV is still on the same situation.even recovery tool is also not working. any possible solution?
load firmware
please guide me how to do it with usb.
dear kazim
I am from Jammu and Kashmir
I tried to upgrade firmware of my android tv
but image of tv is fliped down
can u give me your whatsapp no so that i can explain you to fix this issue.
my whatsapp no is +919796700750
enter into service menu then panel setting then on/off the mirror mode
Required boot file for TP.HV553.PC821
Hello Sir,
Board: cv838h-b
tv: 55″, 4K, SmartTV, with google Voice assitance
brand: westinghouse
country : canada
problem: stuck on android logo
Help: need firmware for flashing.
Sorry, firmware is not available. you must try to reset it first.
How to change config file for 4mb bin 25q32??, I need to replace infrared sector, whats the block of hex ,from to that’s in charge of that, I replace a motherboard and it have different remote configuration
watch some youtube tutorial
T.HD.3663.031E I need that software for all sizes
hello sir,
please guide me how unpack this .img file
it is TP.ATM30.PB 8181 firmware
kazmi bhai mujhe eairtec 32dj cloud smart tv ka software chahiye
isme TP.SK518D.PB802 bord laga h
maine aape yaha se is bord ka software dowload kiya par complete nahi kar paya only 5 part hi download kar paya hu
First, try to hard reset:
sir plz give software for HD.85.031E
Please, Sir, can you recommend some software to unpack 8MB Bin files for LED Tv e.g. TP.MS3663 type.
In fact, I have a try few. THANKS
not available
Hi Sir,
Do you have software for 3RT841B for my 32 Orient HD black C LED TV.
Sp36821.2 smart led sruck on logo. Any solution please.
First, try to reset:
hello sir do you have firmware for TCL LED40S6800
Hello, the GKC terminal program link does not open, please fix the download link so that we can download this program, thanks
link is working
Hello Sir My TCL LCD stuck on logo. I update L32S6500 software but not resolve issue please guide me
maybe hardware fault. visit to the technician
Hello, sir
The GKC link is broken
I need the application
Thank you
link working
gkc terminal V1.2
can send via email
I have tp.sk508spc821 brand imperial logo stuck ,can’t get recovery console in secureCRT. any help would be appreciated
Bonjour monsieur si vous plait le lien ne s’ouvre pas et affiche ”introuvable” veuiller corriger ce probleme cher monsieur
all links working
Buenos dias, como esta, gracias, por compartir informacion y sus herramientas, sobre sistema de recuperacion de mainbord para televisores, en este caso el enlace de la descarga terminal GKC V1.2 no se puede descargar, porque noda acceso al servidor, gracias
link changed
Hello, sir
I need an app gkc terminal. Can send via email.
link changed. download now
bhai jan mari samj man ye ni aa rha ke jo sofwer 1 2 3 pat man ye 1 he h alg alg hn in 1 kase karna h
aik he software k parts hen
I want 3RT841B software for Nokia Tv 32”
model number??
merci bien