CV358H-T42 Firmware
CV358H-T42 is an android network driver smart led tv board with an FHD resolution of 1920×1080. CV358H_T42 has a powerful wifi system. Smart FHD TV With Android Platform and great features to entertain Full HD Wide Screen with better to work SMART. CV358H T42 Smart Board has multiple ports of A/V, USB interface Ports, and many HDMI ports as well in addition to the VGA interface for computers. CV358H.T42 has a LAN/RJ45 Connector interface port also for the wired internet network.
CV358H-T42 is a Combo Network Triple play board that has the Digital TV tuner built-in in it. The Graphics and Sound quality of the CV358H_T42 android board are very good and the Response rate is very efficient. CV358H.T42 china smart network board can support up to 46″ LED Panels. CV358H T42 firmware is available for technician’s support.
General Specifications:
Brand/Mark: Main Board (Android WIFI Network Drive Smart Board)
Main Board: CV358H-T42
RAM: 1Gb
ROM: 4Gb
Back Light V/C : 54v-61v 350mA
Resolution: up to 1920×1080
Firmware: CtvUpgrade.bin
Firmware Type: USB Updateable Firmware
Note: The following given Software/firmware is USB upgradeable. Kazmi Elecom Team is not responsible for any type of damage/loss as a result of uploading/downloading the firmware. If you are new and do not have enough knowledge of loading or installing software/firmware or dump files then read here first.
How to Download:
Download all parts of the following given Software/firmware and then extract any one of them you will get the folder. Now copy the files to USB. for More Detail about download process watch the video Click Here
How to Load Software:
- Transfer the required resolution file into USB Disk
- Plugin the USB Disk into Main Board
- Keep Pressing the Standby/Power button and Power on the board
- Wait until the red light starts flashing
- Note: USB file must be the name of “CtvUpgrade.bin”
Here is below CV358H-T42 firmware file for free download:
Firmware File:
CV358H_T42_1366x768_Revolution Galaxy\MINGCAIbuild_INTERNATION_CV358H-T42-2A9_DVB_FHD_1G_DDR_CTVIntern_LC320DXY-SLA9_MC_MINGCAI_C1901-.rar
CV358H_T42_1920x1080_Revolution Galaxy\build_INTERNATION_CV358H-T42-2A9_DVB_FHD_1G_DDR_CTVIntern_T320XVN02_G_MINGCAI_HT42_C1811_010.rar
CV358H_T42_1920x1080_Panel V400HJ6-PE1\CtvUpgrade CV358H-T42 FHD_V400HJ6-PE1.rar
Hello ! The direct link 1 of part 3 CV358H-T42 is not working for me ! And the direct link 2 have part 4
please solve it !
Dear link-1 is also fine and link-2 is modified now
bro i need first file’s third part because that link expired and web 3&4 link contains only fourth part
bro link-1 is also fine and link-2 is modified now. thanks
Bu partlar tektek mi yüklenecek
no, download all parts then extract anyone of them you will get one folder
thanks bro
part04 same oart05 file
Thanks, dear Ismail. said part has been replaced
Hello ! I don’t saw the message and i decided to download the 1980×1080 resolution and the TV wont start ! What can i do ? Please give me a response..
load 1366×768 file by usb
I put the 1366×768 and the tv wont start
The tv won’t start from the panel power button and on remote power .What can i do ? Is rip ?
I have some like this : LSC320AN10-H , TFT218581-2-32” ,CV358HT42,G320ND4N1001
hello all ! 2 days ago, my NEI 32NE4505 WITH CV358H-T42 WONT WORK! I decided to update software/firmware ! All fine …I download all on USB Drive and put on the motherboard TV.It work at finally ,but at 90% he said : ERROR UPDATE and he stop working .I restart the TV but nothing ! The sensor is not working at all and the display is not starting ! The buttons of the tv is not working and the remote nothing make ! What can i do ! Thank you all ! Love you !
change the U-disk and try again
Try Menu1147
Hello, position 3, link 1 don’t work, link 2, give me lot of links of advertise, please help
links are working fine. watch the video on the homepage of this website how to download process
I have a SCHNEIDER LED32-SC450K with was stacked on boot logo. After installing 1366×768 TV starts but with inverted image and without working remote control. Any ideas????
first use universal remote then goto service menu and invert the image
If you put a firmware and the remote control not work you need to connect with adb . After that you have to find the irfconfig file and modify it. you need to know linux a little bit.
I need firmware CV358L-T24 Android TV 8.
Not available
hi dear i need firmware cv358h-t42 for star track model st-43cnj1200-smart thank you
not available in star track
How to roor CV358H-T42 android 8.0?
*how to root …..
cv358-t42 bu cihaz netflix için optimize edilmedi hatası var . Nasıl çözeceğim. Ve kanal listesini bilgisayardan nasıl düzenleyebilirim ?
No idea
cv358h-t42 how to root ??
I try first file cv358-t42 1366×768 which brand remute work?i try samsung philips blaupunkt some code for Neo vestel but not work.
after installing remote wont work what can i do please help me i need remote to rotate screen and lvds settings
use universal remote
Hello I have install anotehr firmware and nothing show to my screen . How to fix that ?
I mean it have show upgrade error . How to do something to reopen my tv ?
sometime software not match or ram/rom mismatch
software mismatch. and if board is on then resolution issue maybe
v400hj6-pe1 part 5 is not working
When i try to extract it shows error on part 5
thank uou in advance
all links are working fine. you can also download from link 2
st3151a05-8 I am looking for software for this panel
you can download according to your main board and panel resolution
Hello admin am looking for firmware for CV358H-T50 1920X1080 I have tried several sites without success ,can this CV358H-T42 work on T50? please help
hope this will work but not tested by me
How to change the remote CV358H-T42 ?
search required customer config file and load by pen drive
I have problems with the channels. The channels do not tune me well, as I change the zone so that the channels in America work, the pal or ntsc system does not make any changes, please help me and I had this problem in other chassis because I live in Central America and change the frequency bands of the channels
try auto tuning
Hi. I installed CV358H-T42 1920×1080 on my Vinki TV with the same resolution. The installation was successful but the TV remained in st-by the buttons no longer work or the remote control. Please help me
salve ho una tv con questa scheda cv358h-t42 mi servirebbe far partire la tv quando viene alimentata a 220V mi potete dare una mano .grazie
alimento la tv con 220v e deve accendersi senza uso di telecomando.grazie
goto service menu then check in a general setting and modify power on setting
bon site pour nous merci a kazmi
Tres bien
merci pour ce firmware
je veux les 5 partie
le site me vas bien
je compte sur vous
merci a vous
merci a vous
Slm.Kolay gelsin adım İsfendiyar GÜRÇAY CV358H-T42 boot yazılımı lazım
board etiketi :
S/N:9CW01391912ZA0091 59-72V/600MA(45W)
İlginize şimdiden teşekkür ederim
thanks ıt work for me
In the folder of software are two ofher files , one of them mboot , what it is used for
copy all files to usb
CV358-T42 Blaupunkt tv software need plz
CV358-K32 firmware
CV358h-42t need for blaupunkt
voy a inentar a ver como me va
Which one you required. mention serial number
Hello I want a CV358H-T42 4k mainboard flash file for this model Unfortunately the available resolutions are fullhd and the image is small and unsuitable
hi dear my names sakkaf from srilanka i know you language very will and supported me your wep site
i need help i have westinghouse smart led tv its turn on logo coming and going standby mode
so what problem theirs have compo board cv358h-t42
kindly replay me thanks
software problem and in some cases hardware issues maybe. first, try to hard reset otherwise load firmware
My JTC GTODD-AS43N CV358H-T42 … panel HV430FHB-N10 … dont work.
bro i uploaded all files but zhen im trying to extract them a message interrupt me it is about the volume of the disk.
hi can I upgrade my own cv358l-t24 with this firmware?
I need cv358l-t24 24″ 1920×1080 fhd firmware
can I upgrade with this?
can not update
hey i have a ,problem when i entre the USB the tV == msg ==(SOFTWER UPGRADE ERROR) pleaz I need help ,because ia m arbic men from mrrocoo
First, try to reset:
PLEASE i need ur guide and help, CV358H-T42 , resolution 1366*768 , VYOM TV 32 inch 8gb 1rom, log stucking
if you are technician then use recovery tool by any terminal
boot logo tv led laxas cv358H-T42
First, try reset:
Hello, I am trying to download CV358H-T42 firmware for Crown 40MA110S, but I can’t. The panel is V400HJ6-PE1 Rev.C3. What could be the reason?
all links working. ignore popups and focus on main page
Do I need to register to download firmware? The download site gives me nothing to do.
not necessary. just stay on main page by ignoring popups
slm lar bu yazılımları inderemiyor farklı sitelere yonlendiriyor . cv358h-42 39” tv
keep focus on main page and ignore popups